The Performance Series-Your Path to More Power


The Performance Series is the foundation to all training at PowerCycling.  These were the very first rides I created when developing PowerCycling over 12 years ago.  All the other training rides and workouts are there to support you in your quest of making it through the Performance Series.  

My vision for the Performance Series was to create a sequence of training rides that you could continually go back to time and time again and no matter where your current fitness was in the beginning you would be a stronger cyclist by the end.  You can expect anywhere from a 3-10% increase in your power upon completion.

The structure of the Performance Series would stay the same each time you went through it, so that you could compare how you were doing now with how you might have performed in the past, much like how Strava offers you best times for segments.  Performance Series rides would build upon each other, in a progressive manner, getting that little extra out of your body week after week and ultimately taking you towards the potential you hold inside yourself.

Following the Performance Series is kind of like being in the Tour de France with it’s 21 stages,  It is grueling but when you are finished, you feel quite accomplished. The Performance Series consists of 16 rides and is designed for you to do one ride per week.  It is okay to skip a week from time to time, but best not having more than 2 weeks between rides. There is no better time than now to start on the Performance Series and have it work it’s magic giving you some extra power on the road next spring.

 I would like to introduce to you Ralf Mielke ( PowerCycling Class of 2014, aka "The German Diesel").  Ralf has the distinction of completing the Performance Series more times than anyone else at the Studio, 9 times in just five years.  Ralf made it through three whole times in his first year alone-that's right he did a PS ride almost every week for a whole year!  He has increased his Power Threshold by almost 50% through his training and although the gains are harder to come by these days, I still think he has a little more potential to squeeze out of those legs of his. Ralf has a wonderful spirit and has shown great dedication to his training over the years.  Now let’s meet Mr.Performance Series.  



How has the Performance Series and PowerCycling changed you as a cyclist?

I have become a better cyclist for sure. During the past few years I have seen big improvements in my results at the T-Rex triathlon series, Iceman and other races. The improvements I’ve experienced were not only with my biking times, but also with my running. I am not known for my running expertise, so that has definitely been a welcomed side benefit, making the run at triathlons feel easier and having more energy at the end of a race.

 This year I have also followed through with my goal to ride more during the week and on weekends. I also did a bike fitting by Jess at Bikefitmi, which gave me some extra free power and helped take care of some aches and pains I’ve been feeling while riding. All of this keeps the German Diesel running smoothly.

Ralf likes to ride the Fat Bike too!

Ralf likes to ride the Fat Bike too!


In your opinion what is the hardest Performance Series ride and why?

 Actually, I would have said Old #14, but that's not part of the Series anymore. Ride #15 is one of the hardest because of the Level 6's and the short recoveries between intervals. I still struggle with this one and have a hard time keeping the cadence on this ride. 


 What's your go to recovery meal after a Performance Series ride?

Ha... you should ask my significant other about my food intake, but that is a totally different story. Sometimes it is a slice of pizza and beer at Lucky's. But usually I'm switching between chocolate milk or a small random snack at home. Usually I'm wiped out after my ride and don't like to eat for an hour or so afterwards. I am not always the best with post-recovery food.

 I remember when you first started coming to PowerCycling you didn't even have a water bottle on the bike with you.  I think we have helped you turn the corner with that element of your training..ha..ha, but what are some of the nutritional strategies that you use on the bike and off now to help you perform at your best?

 Beside bringing a water bottle with Skratch mixed in, I'm using BEETUM'S prior to the ride. I do think that BEETUM’S make a difference for me and use them before and during races too. For mid-ride/race nutrition, I'm using HoneyStingers Energy Chews and Infinit. My water intake has also improved over time for sure. 


Having been born and raised in Germany, it's no surprise that you like your beer.  What are some of your favorite local brews and can you tell us a little about the unique event you participate in called the "Beer Mile".


 I enjoy many local micro brews. You can find me at Wolverine for their beers and nachos, but also HOMES, Grizzly Peak, Null, and Salt Springs from time to time. I won’t turn down a good sour beer either. My beer taste has changed from drinking traditional Pilsners to beers all over the map. The last few years I have participated in the Beer Mile, which is set up by a local running club. It involves drinking a beer, then running a 400 and repeating this 4X to give you a mile of running and 4 beers down the hatch. The world record is actually around 4:30, man I'm not even able to run a mile that fast. My best time so far is around 9:30.


I like to think that PowerCycling has been able to form many good friendships over the years and offers a very welcoming community to everyone.  You have a great story of creating a very good friendship at PowerCycling, would you please share?

 Hmmm, I assume you are talking about the girl who also rode on Tuesday nights, six bikes over from me? I guess it helped to see each other as our sweaty selves post-riding while passing each other in the stairway and saying hello. Our 4-year anniversary of exchanging phone numbers is coming up, which happened while I was heading to Traverse City for the Iceman race. After that we went on our classy first date to TGI Friday’s after PowerCycling. I still get teased for that, but I didn't know by American standards that TGI Friday’s may not have been the best choice. All that led up to Tatiana saying “yes” and the two of us getting married in 2018. 

 Technically, you are responsible for us being together today and you can be proud of it. I assume that we are the first couple, who met at PowerCycling.(Well, technically yes-but yours truly also met the love of his life when the Studio was called Hammer Home Gym & Fitness Center on Main St).  On another note we made sure to mention PowerCycling on our wedding programs. So you could say only good things happen at PowerCycling, not just pain, sweat, and suffering! ;) 

The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple


There are some "secret" rides at PowerCycling that most haven't seen in front of them on the bike before.  One of which is called Old #14, it was part of the Performance Series when I originally designed the Series but removed it because I felt it was just a bit too tough.  You are one of the "lucky" ones that has tested themselves with this ride, can you explain your relationship with this beast of a ride?

 Old#14 is still one of my favorites. One of these days I will have to try it again, but since you raised my Power Threshold to where it is now, it has gotten more difficult. The first time I did Old #14, I wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of me and totally missed what was coming at me. It is a challenging ride for sure and I recommend others to ask for it. It will be fun :-)  I’m still impressed after all these years of how you are able to figure out what is the right ride for me to do on any given day that I show up to ride. I like that at PowerCycling there is no way to fool the power meter, it truly is a ride of truth. I work well with structure, PowerCycling gives my training that year round. I have experienced the value of the training over the years and don’t skip my day at the Studio even if it would be a beautiful day to ride outside.

Thanks Ralf and best of luck at Iceman this weekend!

There are also a set of 60 minute rides which will help you prepare for the demands of the Performance Series.  Try out one of my favorites, called the “3 Jewels”. Each of the three segments address important aspects of becoming a stronger rider. You develop your strength by using a big gear in the Tempo segment, then your pedaling efficiency and leg speed during the Endurance segment and finally your ability to ride around your Power Threshold.


10 MIN                     WARM-UP                 LEVEL 1 & 2


 5 MIN                       @ TEMPO                  LEVEL 3    (CAD 70-75)

 5 MIN                       @ ENDURANCE         LEVEL 2    (CAD 90-100)

 5 MIN                       @ THRESHOLD         LEVEL 4    (CAD 85-90)

 5 MIN                       COOL DOWN            LEVEL 1 & 2


Marc Mueller

Be Strong, Inspire Others

Owner & Creator of the PowerCycling Training System